Monday, October 21, 2024
Mental Health

Wave_of_happy_: How to Find True and Long-Lasting Happiness 

Wave_Of_Happy_: Happiness is a treasure everyone seeks but not achieved by all. Knowing what it truly means to be happy is really important! Is it money, success, or something deeper that brings true or deep happiness? After spending over 50 years studying psychology, traveling the world, and reading religious and spiritual texts, I’ve learned some simple truths about happiness that you might overlook while looking for happiness in your life. I call my happiness course “Wave_Of_Happy_.” Let’s explore Happiness, a treasure everyone seeks and what does it truly mean to be happy? Let’s explore how to find real and lasting happiness in a way that a 12-year-old can understand and a 90-year-old can appreciate.

What Is True Happiness?

True happiness is a feeling of joy and contentment that comes from within. It’s not just a moment of pleasure but a deep sense of well-being that stays with you. It’s like a warm, glowing light inside your heart. 

Understanding Happiness in Simple Words

Happiness is something we all want. But what is it, really? Let’s look at what experts Morten L. Kringelbach and Kent C. Berridge say about happiness and pleasure in a way that’s easy to understand, just like a friendly chat with a neighbor.

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is feeling good inside. It’s not just about having fun for a short time. It’s a deep feeling of being content and joyful. Think about when your little girl smiles at you, or when your baby boy laughs. Those moments make your heart feel warm and full.

Why Do We Feel Happy?

Our brains are wired to make us feel good when we do things that help us survive and have a good life. Just like how eating yummy food makes us happy, spending time with people we love makes us feel good too.

What the Experts Say

Happiness, as explored by neuroscientists like Morten L. Kringelbach and Kent C. Berridge, encompasses both hedonic pleasure and eudaimonic well-being. Hedonic pleasure refers to the immediate, sensory-driven feelings of enjoyment derived from activities like eating or socializing, mediated by brain circuits involving neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Eudaimonic well-being, on the other hand, involves a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning derived from personal growth, purposeful activities, and positive social relationships. Research indicates that these aspects of happiness are underpinned by distinct yet interconnected neural systems. The brain regions involved in pleasure processing, such as the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area, play a crucial role in reinforcing behaviors that promote happiness. Understanding these neural mechanisms not only sheds light on how individuals experience and pursue happiness but also offers insights into potential therapeutic interventions for enhancing overall well-being.

To put it simply, Kringelbach and Berridge have studied happiness deeply. They say happiness has two main parts:

  1. Pleasure (Hedonia):
    • This is the joy you feel from fun activities, like playing with your kids or eating your favorite food.
  2. A Good Life (Eudaimonia):
    • This is the satisfaction you get from living a meaningful life, like helping others or achieving your goals.

Why Is Happiness Hard to Get?

Even though we all want to be happy, it’s not always easy. Sometimes, things like anxiety or sadness can get in the way. Imagine your baby boy being cranky because he’s hungry or tired. Just like that, our minds can get upset for different reasons.

How Our Brain Makes Us Happy

Our brain has special areas that help us feel pleasure. When you do something nice, like hugging your kids or eating a sweet treat, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. These are like little rewards for doing things that are good for you.

What Can You Do to Feel Happier?

  1. Enjoy Simple Pleasures:
    • Spend time with your kids, play with them, and enjoy their smiles.
    • Eat your favorite snacks and savor the taste. Picture the crunch of a biscuit or the sweetness of a mango.
  2. Live a Meaningful Life:
    • Help others, like maybe sharing a meal with a neighbor.
    • Follow your passions, whether it’s cooking a new recipe or learning a new skill.
  3. Focus on the Present:
    • Enjoy the moment, like listening to the rain during monsoon season or feeling the cool breeze on a summer evening.
    • Don’t worry too much about the future or regret the past.
  4. Avoid Negative Feelings:
    • Try to let go of stress and anger. Think about how you feel when your little girl stops crying and starts giggling.

Why Happiness Matters

Happiness is not just about having fun. It helps you live a better life. When you are happy, you can handle problems better and enjoy your days more. Imagine feeling the joy of a sunny day after a rainy week. That’s the kind of happiness that makes life sweet.

  • Ask Yourself: What makes you happy? Is it playing with your kids or spending time with friends?
  • Try New Things: Maybe you can try cooking a new dish or playing a new game with your kids. Check with your family and see if they enjoy it too.
  • Appreciate Small Moments: Notice the little things that make you happy, like the smell of fresh flowers or the sound of your child’s laughter.

In a nutshell, happiness comes from enjoying life’s simple pleasures and living in a way that feels meaningful. It’s like finding joy in the small things, like your baby boy’s first steps or your little girl’s art from school. By understanding how our brain works to make us happy, you can find more ways to bring joy into your life every day.

Key Aspects of Wave_Of_Happy_

  1. Love and Relationships:
    • Being with people you care about and who care about you.
    • Spending time with family and friends.
    • Showing kindness and receiving it in return.
  2. Purpose and Meaning:
    • Doing things that make you feel useful and important.
    • Helping others and making a positive difference in the world.
    • Following your passions and interests.
  3. Gratitude:
    • Appreciating what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have.
    • Saying “thank you” and feeling thankful every day.
  4. Mindfulness:
    • Living in the present moment and enjoying what you are doing right now.
    • Not worrying too much about the past or the future.
  5. Health and Well-Being:
    • Taking care of your body by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep.
    • Keeping your mind healthy by learning new things and staying curious.
  6. Spirituality:
    • Finding peace and comfort in your beliefs, whatever they may be.
    • Connecting with something bigger than yourself.

Common Mistakes We Make

Many people think happiness comes from things like money, fame, or success. But these things often lead to temporary joy and can leave us feeling empty. Here are some common mistakes people make when searching for happiness:

  1. Chasing Money and Things:
    • Thinking that buying new stuff or earning more money will make you happy.
    • Happiness from things fades quickly, and soon you want more.
  2. Seeking Approval:
    • Trying to please everyone or worrying about what others think.
    • Real happiness comes from being true to yourself, not from others’ opinions.
  3. Comparing to Others:
    • Looking at what others have and feeling like you are not good enough.
    • Everyone’s journey is different; focus on your own path.
  4. Ignoring Health:
    • Not taking care of your body and mind can lead to unhappiness.
    • Health is a foundation for feeling good and happy.
  5. Running from Problems:
    • Avoiding challenges or difficulties rather than facing them.
    • Solving problems and learning from them builds confidence and happiness.

Simple Steps to Apply, My Strategy to Be Happy, Wave_Of_Happy

  1. Connect with Others:
    • Spend time with loved ones, share your thoughts, and listen to theirs.
    • Build relationships and support each other.
  2. Be Thankful:
    • Write down three things you are grateful for every day.
    • Focus on the good things in your life.
  3. Live in the Moment:
    • Pay attention to what you are doing right now.
    • Enjoy small moments, like a warm cup of tea or a beautiful sunset.
  4. Help Others:
    • Do something kind for someone else, like helping a neighbor or volunteering.
    • Helping others brings joy and fulfillment.
  5. Take Care of Yourself:
    • Eat healthy foods, exercise, and get enough rest.
    • Learn something new and challenge your mind.
  6. Find Your Purpose:
    • Think about what makes you feel excited and fulfilled.
    • Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy.


In conclusion, true and lasting happiness isn’t just about fleeting moments of joy—it’s a deep-seated sense of contentment and fulfillment that comes from within. Neuroscientists like Morten L. Kringelbach and Kent C. Berridge have studied how our brains work to experience happiness. They explain that happiness involves both the immediate pleasure we feel from activities like playing with friends or enjoying our favorite foods (called hedonic pleasure) and the deeper satisfaction derived from meaningful pursuits and positive relationships (known as eudaimonic well-being). Understanding these aspects helps us appreciate how simple actions, like spending time with loved ones or helping others, contribute to our overall well-being and happiness. By focusing on these factors and appreciating the present moments in our lives, we can cultivate a happier and more fulfilling existence for ourselves and those around us.

Samuel Jackson

Hey there, It's Samuel Jackson here. I love writing about diet ideas to gain, loose, or be healthy. I have experimented various types of diets and food lifestyles in my life. I am here to educate and help you with choosing the best possible eating options for achieving the best in fitness and health.